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Nisa Amal Yusri Mateen

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Class Painting

Date: 25th April 2010
Location: MA 4P, Maktab Sains PSBS
Teacher in charge: Teacher Balqis
Students who came: 11 boys and 5 girls.
It was Sunday when we decided to paint our class. The boys came very early to school to play football while the girls came quite late. Nisa was the first girl to arrive and she was stuck with the boys.
While waiting for the rest to come, they played with balloons and made videos.
Azhar was the important person we wer waiting as he was the one who had to bring the paints and as soon as he came, we started to work.
We started painting the class approximately at 10. Before that, we had to move everything in the class outside. Lockers, desks, chairs, EVERYTHING outside except the fans on the ceiling and then we started painting.
Azhar brought three different colours of paint, pink, purple and greeen....teal would describe the colour best. Brushes and rolls were brought by Wesley and Azhar and one person, brought paintbrush! as in the ones used on papers. Let me give you a hint, that person is a girl. AMAL :D
I thought the paintbrush was no use at all but it turned out that it was VERY useful. It was used to paint the narrow spots on the corners of the wall that couldn't be painted by big brushes. Thank goodness!
Nisa brought balloons as she expected us to fill the balloons with paint and smack it to the walls but it was an idea, I wouldn't say it as a bad idea, that couldn't be used as there were not enough paints to be filled in the balloons.
Between paintings, we had our breaks too. We took pictures and videos to create a memory. Teacher Balqis brought snacks and stuffs to make sandwiches, thank you teacher! And she made delicious cupcakes. Naiyrul brought food as well and it was beyond enough for everyone, thank you Naiyrul!
We finished painting the walls and gave it our finishing touches by decorating the walls with our names and handprints.
One of the memorable part of the day: Taking pictures in the water or should I say on the water. We pulled one bench into the water and stood above it. We looked as if we were floating on water! :)
It took our hardwork to paint the class and we very appreciate the compliments.


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